PuppyPax stock a wide variety of puppy accessories including puppy packs, puppy beds, puppy toys, puppy collars and leads, puppy tags, puppy bowls, puppy crates and a heck of a lot more. We also stock items which take your puppy into adulthood too as we know how popular some of our items are and why would we stop taking care of you when your puppy grows up!
As well as finding the best puppy accessories for new dog owners we also give friendly advice and offer an online puppy guide helping you on the road to having the best relationship with your dog possible.
The idea of PuppyPax came to life just as its owner Corinna was about to become a puppy owner! Highly frustrated at not being able to get all her puppy items in one place and that no website really guided the new puppy owner through what, why and when then they might need it! There were many places that sold puppy items, but none that were there to hold your hand and paw. Having a clear understanding and mission, from that inspired moment onwards PuppyPax never looked back and what better inspiration than a gorgeous wee pup!
At Puppypax we encourage the use of positive techniques to help your fabulous puppy and dog to grow up to be strong, healthy and well rounded. We choose our products carefully, and will generally try to explain why we chose that product above all others where we can. We will grow our product base but only for the good of your puppy and not our back pockets, we genuinely care.
We have a growing social community, so why not come and share in your experiences and perhaps learn from others on our facebook page!
Pax means peace in latin and it is our mission to help you and your puppy or dog find it!