Companion Animal Loss Listening Line – Pet Bereavement Helpline
tel: 0115 840 2737
C.A.L.L.L. (Companion Animal Loss Listening Line) was founded and is run by Christine Hartley.
As a trained nurse spending years in the caring profession, Christine changed direction to focus on bereavement work.
Coping With Your Loss
To be able to talk with someone that cares and truly understands is so important when the pain of losing a pet strikes.
The reasons for loss may vary but they can all result in the devastation of overwhelming grief. I offer support and counselling for all types of loss, not just bereavement, including missing and stolen pets or owners who have become separated from pets in the wake of a divorce or breakdown of a relationship. I also offer support for those caring for pets who are under a vet’s care, or looking after for terminally ill pets.
Sometimes the hardest thing can be just asking for help or seeking out someone who will understand your loss. Often those around us, however well meaning their intentions cannot understand the immense feelings of grief and pain caused by the loss of a companion animal however small, big or even scaly. People often battle with feelings of embarrassment at displaying their grief, hiding it away, or remaining afraid of the reactions of others.
Following further training she now specialises in the area of pet loss and offers support through C.A.L.L.L. (Companion Animal Loss Listening Line)
telephone 0115 840 2737,
C.A.L.L.L. is there to offer support with the ability to talk with someone that cares and truly understands. This is so important when the pain of losing a pet strikes.
If you can benefit from CA.L.L.L’s support, please call 0115 840 2737 or visit